Monday, September 7, 2009

All Reality Is Merely The Power Of Mind

By William J Stevens

As the college fund commercials back in the 80s said, 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste'. The commercial wasn't really about what we're going to be talking about here, but the idea is one which can be applied here as well. You definitely don't want to waste the power of the mind, especially your own. You can tap into the power of your own mind to make positive changes in your life.

Even if you haven't seen the film or read the book, it's all but certain that you know of the book The Secret or about the law of attraction, the most important idea of the book and film. The idea is that when you focus your mind on something, it attracts it to you. You don't even have to be expending mental energy on this goal consciously in order for this effect to work.

In a way, you can see this effect at work in clinical trials where it is known as the placebo effect. It's all about mind over matter. When you think about something; rather, when you believe in something, the power of the mind can make it happen.

All of us have experienced something like this in our own lives. We all have those days where we wake up thinking that this is going to be a bad day - and in fact, these days usually are. This is the power of the mind at work.

The scientific evidence is starting to point towards the idea that there is a scientific basis for the power of the mind as well. One which is particularly intriguing is that matter exists only when there is an observer there to describe it (or rather, matter may be in one of several possible states until it is observed - or all of them at once). What this means is that human beings may be able to exert much more influence on their surroundings than has been previously thought.

Many scientists now believe that many things which we think of as supernatural are in fact explainable through hard science, although we're only beginning to understand just how it is that telepathy, ESP and other mental phenomena work.

Even though you may not have really thought about it too much yet, the power of your mind can be the key to changing your life for the better. If you could use the power of your mind to make the universe work with you rather than against you, wouldn't you want to learn how? Keep reading for some techniques which can help you to access your own mental potential to achieve your goals in life.

One important thing to keep in mind is that it is far easier to focus your mind to achieve a specific goal rather than a general one. If you'd like to become financially well off, you need to focus on a specific dollar amount rather than trying to focus on being wealthy in general. This makes it far easier for your mind to focus on this objective.

Many people already know about the power of the mind and use it every day to make their goals a reality. They are able to decide on a specific goal and put all of their mind power towards this objective - and this is exactly how some of the world's most successful people have managed to become who they are today. It's not difficult to do, though learning to focus your mind on your goal does take a little metal training.

Suppose that there's a house that is just perfect for you - but it's not even for sale and you're not ready to buy a home at the moment. However, the power of the mind can make it all happen. Start focusing your mental energies on this goal. Visualize what vegetables you'd plant in the garden and what color you'd paint each room in the home. Put your energy into things which will help you be ready to make this home yours, such as looking into how to get a good mortgage, getting a better job or a promotion so that you'll be better off financially and other preparatory steps.

By focusing on this goal and putting your mental energy towards your objective, you can make it happen - don't be too surprised when your dream home goes on the market and your offer is accepted; and you even get just the right mortgage. It is the power of the mind which has made this come about, not simply good luck.

Every one of us can do this. It's just a matter of understanding your own inherent abilities and believing in the power of the mind to achieve the things you want out of life. Start with a small goal and you can work from there to accomplish ever greater things.

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